Friday, February 7, 2014

Problems and damage junk food

8:53 AM
Problems and damage junk food

Maybe carry those meals damage major ; where according to Dr. Mohsen Al-Alfi Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Ain ​​Shams in the search for him to scholars have concluded recently that repeated ingestion of children fast food , containing large amounts of fat and flavorings affect the chemistry of the brain and robs them of the will ; becomes decision to stop these meals very difficult to do , just as cigarettes and drugs addiction !

Research has shown that many of these diets work to activate the gene for obesity in a satisfactory manner ! This has been alerted to the danger of more than 20 U.S. states and prevented students from eating these meals; for the existence of a relationship between anemia and anemia and high cholesterol. And the existence of a relationship between drinks " soda " which is usually associated with these foods and osteoporosis , as well as they cause indigestion when ingested with food.

When you add fried foods such as potatoes and foods that contain preservatives and salt in order to get the " full meal " or " combo" be collected is to get the " full risk ," he explains Dr. Medhat Meseiri professor of medical physics at the University of Cairo in search him ; feed him like hamburgers and fish fingers (fish fingers) and fried chicken interference -causing substances in the circle of cancer . It is yet possible to be sure all the damage that these meals are writing a warning on the packaging of fast food is useful as a " destroy the health and cause of death ."

Obesity .. Killer of our children first

And obesity , which is the first presentation of eating junk food already on its way to become the first cause of death in Britain , occupied the place of smoking , and sees health experts there that the British government - like other European governments - feel the fear of the development of solutions to this problem created by institutions and companies producing meals quick and ready ; due to the huge interests of these companies . Generally mark the money invested in fast-food restaurants and soft drinks are too large , and because of these " interests " 30 thousand people die British obese every year.

British scientists confirmed in a recent study that the current generation of children in Britain are more prone to serious illnesses ; since 10% of children are obese , and 20 % of children with excess weight. The detection expert Dr Eric Schlosser American food in his book " Fast Food Nation " for the increased incidence of deaths among children aged 6 to 10 years; due to obesity after doubling the number of fast food restaurants in Britain . In the U.S., obesity leads to the death of 300 people a year , and comes after smoking , which causes the death of 400 thousand people .

Due to the proliferation of fast food restaurants and ready-made in our Arab societies ; has increased the rate of obesity in those communities ; where the percentage of obesity in Egypt , for example, about 50 % among women and men. The recent study researcher Dr. Mona Ismahi at Ain Shams University that " childhood obesity " widespread in Egypt are cause for concern ; where the percentage of obesity in children is 15% after it was in the eighties of the last century in the range of only 6% . They attributed this to eat fast food and ready-made , and eating between meals , and the neglect of vegetables and fruit.

Beware .. Tax obesity

Depending on the research confirm the existence of a strong relationship between obesity and early rapid spread of diseases, diabetes , blood pressure , heart and spinal diseases , high cholesterol , asthma and some types of cancer , on the other hand mental illness and the shame and frustration .. It has urged the Australian Medical Association 's efforts to impose a government " obesity tax " on fatty fast food and soft drinks , as part of " a strategy to make people more aware of the components of the food they buy ."

Explains Dr. Amer long a professor of nutrition at the University of Cairo that most of these meals and seafood are complex and creaminess and lack of balance , and are filled with fat and flavorings , and be stuffed usually spicy-hot in large quantities , and this leads to irritation of the internal membranes of the digestive system , occurs significant risks and multiple when over- covered . And also adds that the civil and human development deported for his nature and spontaneity in the food and drink ; which violates human health , and make it susceptible to various diseases , especially the obese.

Refers d . Amer long that Western societies have developed in recent years became aware of the seriousness of the meals spread out , especially takeaway meals ready . He says : I wore a lot of these communities , has appeared out tendencies and invitations to primitive eating ; any concern for the simplicity and lack of affectation , and a focus on fresh foods , fiber and vegetables , and attention to grain is peeled , and the reduction of red meat and fat , and , above all, the conviction that value food for the food is more important than the material value equivalents that this food , and urges Dr. Amer long to eat the popular Eastern cuisine deployed in Egypt and most Arab states ; as more suitable for human health and more useful to him .

On the possibility of printing the phrase " destroy the health and cause of death " on the packaging of ready meals in our Arab societies say d . Long : The problem is that eating a meal ready and one may not be so harmful ; Valojbh not include toxins exclusive course such as those annexed cigarettes , but the seriousness of the meal lies in addiction addressed and reliable ; Therefore it is difficult to be described as " destroy the health and cause of death ," a description at all, and this could turn the whole subject to a legal problem .

Remnants of food !

And other health risks of fast food and ready-made - as confirmed by researchers Scottish recently - that junk food and semi- processed contribute significantly to the injury of children with asthma ; for free from fresh vegetables , vitamins and minerals , and the absence of these fiber foods necessary to regularize the natural movement of the intestines impair its function , and lead to disturbances in the process of absorption. Indicating that rural life better for the health of children living in cities that are spread out fast food or rather " food waste " .

American researcher explained that eating fast foods and sugars and fats frequently alters the behavior of children , and that the fast-food drive into an idle mind and his laziness and sagging body! As I mentioned the magazine " New Scientist " (new scientist) that recently obtained by the body of fat found in abundance in food sandwiches and meals streets causing severe damage to the brain , and hurts the ability of memory ; food because this prevents the arrival of glucose to the brain in sufficient quantity

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