Thursday, February 13, 2014

Breastfeeding for beginners

11:42 AM
Breastfeeding for beginners

If you are just starting out breastfeeding , you 're what is good for your child. Try not to worry about what it did not come naturally. You need a lot of mothers to practice and perseverance even mastered breastfeeding . We will be a sign to you during these first steps .
 ?Is it true that breastfeeding is the best
Yes , the milk mother the best food for your baby. Ask any health expert , and you'll get the same answer : the best way to feed a baby is breastfeeding . Less disease of children who are breastfed during the first year of life . Breastfeeding may help your child to resist diseases such as :
Intestinal infections
Inflammation of the lung and bronchus
Urinary Tract Infections
Ear infections .
It also may help breastfeeding your child to stay healthy in the long term . One study showed that the blood pressure goes down below the levels of cholesterol in people who were breastfed as children and are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes when they grow up than those who were breastfed milk artificially .

But not only is the child who benefits from breastfeeding . They are also good for you . It helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer before you reach menopause . It can also help to protect you from ovarian cancer and osteoporosis at a later stage of your life .

WHO recommends that the Ministry of Health to give children only breast milk in the first six months of age . The continuing need for women to start breastfeeding after giving her baby solid foods until the end of the first year and beyond if they so wish .

Mother's milk is an integrated food because it contains at least 400 species of nutrients , including hormones and compounds that fight disease and which is devoid of them artificial milk . It should be noted , that the mother's milk is aligned with the needs of a child who grows and develops . Find out more about how your body produces milk.

As well as building the brain and disease-fighting benefits , which are not provided by any artificial milk , breast milk helps to consolidate the special relationship between you and your child. When breastfeeding naturally , growing friction and physical incubation and pregnancy , as well as for you.
How do I prepare for breastfeeding ?
As long as you're healthy , you do not have to do anything to prepare your body for breastfeeding . But you can create yourself on the mental level .

Try to learn a lot about breastfeeding as much as possible before your baby is born . Check with our article on preparing for breastfeeding . Encourage your spouse and to learn more about breastfeeding so that he can support.
 ?How do I start breastfeeding
Since the process of breastfeeding may take from 7 minutes to 40 minutes , choose a comfortable place to do it. The atmosphere surrounding the place a very important issue , especially in the early days of breastfeeding when Taatdrbin them and you need to Mastery .

If you lose you focus the presence of noise around you , choose a quiet place . Though you Tji quickly, you can feed your baby in front of the TV or you Overhearing to the radio . Try several places even find the one that suits you best .

Carry your baby in a position not hurt your arms and your back , and use the a lot of pillows and cushions to support your child. Many women find the appropriate position to embrace their children along and Sdrhen Rfhen using the armrest or a pillow , but a question of what relieves you . Check with our article about the positions suitable for breastfeeding to get some ideas .

Find Your posture and relax you and your child before you start breastfeeding. Pay attention to what you feel in your breasts when applied to your child's mouth on them. You must enter your child a large area of ​​the breast in his mouth .

Lu suffered from breast , stop for a moment and I passed your finger Minor ( Pinky ) between your baby's gums and your breast nipple , then re try. When your child succeed in holding the breast properly , will complement the remaining steps.

How do contain our article on breastfeeding pictures help .
 ?How easy breastfeeding
Composed some women with breastfeeding easily and without obstacles or difficulties . While many find it difficult to new mothers learn how to do them . If I was a bit of frustration , remember you are not the only living this experience . If you reach your case to the point of surrender , talk to your doctor or midwife specializes in breastfeeding can see you and you are breastfeeding and suggests ways to make it easy on you and your child.

Breastfeeding requires some training . I deal with it as a skill you have learned from its beginnings . Give yourself more time until Taatgueni this process . Endure it for an entire day , or week , or even to feed one this time .

If you come across a bad day in breastfeeding , Uday yourself best is the next day . Put in mind that any problems you face will not last . By the time of follow-up after the birth , you'll be likely to have Ocdet breastfeeding . Unless that happens, no hesitation to ask for support and help from your doctor or midwife .
What do you buy for breastfeeding ?
The most important thing is Tstraenh bras any bra or a bra comfortable , especially breastfeeding . You will need to at least two of them . Provides this type of bras additional support he needs your breasts which have become larger than usual . They come with a hook or any zipper pulls , you can control the time of breast-feeding when needed.

Make sure that they and events The Tnsdlan well when open. What has not damaged the entire breast Suspender , Vstdguet you plugged milk ducts . Maybe you prefer to wait until your baby is born in order to buy bras that suit you well. However, some shops have trained employees to choose the appropriate measure for bras breastfeeding after 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Some mothers find that breast milk when breast Asrban . And stimulates a baby crying or just seeing another baby on the breast milk added at inappropriate times sometimes . Useful to keep the number of breast towels at your fingertips . Can you buy and store a number of towels that can be washed and reused or buy the types used for one time only .

As you might like to buy the necessary equipment to suction breast milk .
 ?Can I breastfeed after returning to work
Yes, it does not mean a return to work to stop breastfeeding . In fact, you can mothers working outside the home continue to breastfeed their babies as much as they want . Might want to express milk at work, or just to feed your baby when you're with him and give him milk artificially during the day . Both things possible .

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