Thursday, February 13, 2014

Benefits of Garlic Health Care

6:21 PM
Benefits of Garlic Health Care

Although some people to avoid eating raw garlic as a result of the sharp taste and strong odor emitted who have dealt with , but that its benefits obvious encouraged to use it and use it to relieve the symptoms of many diseases and conditions and treatment , and most important

 Used to strengthen the body's immunity , so that can cause eating clove of garlic during bouts of flu , including immediate treatment . Has proven through numerous studies that garlic antibiotic , has announced the German doctor Professor Hanzerdietr make sure that that garlic kills the germs that cause tuberculosis , diphtheria , and in some cases was more effective than penicillin and Alstervtomaysn and some other antibiotics

 Is used to lower blood pressure. It has been proven that the material Alolsin and Aloguin allicin ajoene in garlic works to reduce high blood pressure and prevent atherosclerosis

 Used to treat and to improve the situation of chronic diseases: It has been proven that regular intake of garlic reduces significantly the rate of cholesterol and blood pressure and diabetes , which are based on the effect it has several cosmetic manufacturer of garlic mediated by large companies

 To get rid of infections of the tonsils , mouth and gum infections through Dlkha or chewing a piece of garlic . Study has found that chewing garlic for three minutes to kill germs contribute diphtheria accumulated in the tonsils . In a scientific study at the Faculty of Pharmacy - King Saud University and published in the German magazine Alvaatotrbea on the effect of garlic and onions in the bacteria that live in the human mouth and cause cavities . The study reported that garlic spent on all types of bacteria in the mouth while he spent two-thirds of the onions on the germs

 Used to treat diarrhea through its influence cleanser for the digestive system . Garlic is used as a disinfectant for the intestines and stops diarrhea microbial . It has recently been shown that garlic oil and Asarth have a fatal effect in many of the germs that infect the intestines and cause diarrhea , and found to contain the foot since the antiseptic properties of garlic have benefited British armies , German and Russian from these properties during World Wars I and II

 Boil the garlic used to treat abdominal colic and kidney stones

 Used to treat erectile dysfunction , especially if they mix with honey bees

 Used to treat whooping cough and cough in children by mixing garlic juice with orange juice . Has been confirmed by several studies that garlic is effective against bacteria, fungi , viruses and Alotflaat

 Used to treat the crust of the head

 Addresses the areas of hair loss in case of injury Baltalbh , through Dlkha Pfs of garlic

 Visor cancer : research has confirmed the existence of anti-cancer properties in garlic , where it turns out that it reduces and prevents the risk of cancer of the colon and esophagus . The study proved that it helps to reduce the cancer cells of breast cancer , skin and lungs

 Is used as a disinfectant for wounds and many skin diseases and fungal infections

 Of the holder : Research has shown that eating garlic during pregnancy prevents pre-eclampsia and help the growth of the fetus in cases associated with retarded growth of the fetus

But it is important not to the consumption of fresh garlic because it may lead to harming the digestive tract , and the garlic is cooked or edible oils in the record of the best ways to get the benefits

Contains garlic compound known as Allenz Allins is a Alkyl Sistine Slfoxayd Alkylcystine Sulfoxides and when cut or mashed garlic cloves turn this compound to another compound is Alacisn Allicine, and if Lips garlic and then re- moistened in water , it is oil contains compounds called Vinul dithiins. Ajoens. Oligosulfides Garlic also contains several articles on Polysaccharides polysaccharide and protein and fat and mineral salts and vitamins A, b , c , e 

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