Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Symptoms of breast cancer

11:40 AM
Symptoms of breast cancer

Today we speak about " the symptoms of breast cancer ," and some of the facts and questions about this cancer and I hope that the amount of information and presentation suitable for you.

 ?What is Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor (a group of cancer cells ) that arise from cells of the breast . Although breast cancer occurs mostly in women, can also affect men . This article deals with breast cancer in women .

At first , it may not cause any symptoms of breast cancer . Extrusion may be too small for you to feel or to feel any different . Often , a natural form appears on the mammogram ( breast X-ray ) , which leads to more tests .

In most cases, the first sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breast that you or your doctor to feel out the possibility . Extrusion is a painful , difficult ( strong) , and has irregular edges is likely to be of " symptoms of breast cancer." But in some cases, the cancer can be Lin , and thin , and circular . It is therefore important if observed anything checked by a doctor.
According to the American Cancer Society , any of the following changes in the breast can be a " symptom of breast cancer " :

Swelling of all or part of the breast
Skin irritation or
Breast pain
Nipple pain or the nipple lock
Redness , or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
Discharge from the nipple is milk
A lump in the armpit area
These changes can also be symptoms may be signs of non- serious , at least not cancerous , such as an infection . It is important if there is any changes in the breast should see a doctor .

Breast Cancer Facts :

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women .
One out of every eight women in the United States develop breast cancer .
There are many types of breast cancer that differ in their ability to spread to other body tissues .
Are still unknown causes breast cancer , although they have identified some of the factors that help expe injury .
There are many different types of breast cancer .
The diagnosis of breast cancer : a doctor or a breast self-examination , mammography , ultrasound examination .
Breast cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer and the stage ( extent of spread in the body) .

According to the American Cancer Society :

Are diagnosed more than 230,000 new cases of breast cancer each year .
It is expected to die from breast cancer in 2013, nearly 40,000 women .
There are more than 2.5 million survivors of breast cancer in the United States .
Between the ages of 40 and 50 years old , it is recommended mammograms every one to two years . After 50 years of age , it is recommended mammograms annually .

Patients who have a family history or certain risk factors may be different screening schedule , including start mammograms at an early age .

 ?What introduce breast cancer

The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breast. In addition , the following are possible signs of breast cancer :

Nipple discharge or redness
Breast or nipple pain
Swelling of part of the breast or dimpling of the skin over the breast
It is best to detect breast cancer before any of these signs occur by following the guidelines mammography .

You should discuss this or any other consequences that concern you with your health care professional .

 ?Is family history ( genetics ) related breast cancer

If you have a person infected with breast cancer , and ovarian cancer , or even prostate cancer , this information is relevant to your diagnosis and should be mentioned to your doctor . Family history (Genetics ) strong usually means that the parent , sibling , child , or parent has of cancer . Information about other family members ( aunts and daughters , etc. ) is also important. This is especially important if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer at an early age or both breasts to cancer or breast and ovarian cancer in the same individual . A positive family history may require more extensive work in the diagnosis, treatment , and consider genetic testing , not only for you but for other family members .

Frequently Asked Questions about breast cancer :

 ?Q: a lump in the breast is always cancer . True or False

A: False. A lump in the breast is not always cancer. When the lump turns out not to be cancer , and what can it be? It can be a tumor , a non-cancerous growth of abnormal , or blood clot , which causes wrinkling . Also can be a " lump false " , caused by hormonal changes , which is not a lump at all. However, whatever the reason , it is important to get any lump evaluated.

 ?Q: How often doctors recommend breast self- Vsosat work

A: In the month once . He recommended once widely that women check their breasts for the once in a month . Current thinking is that it is more important to know your breasts and be aware of any changes , rather than be tested on a regular schedule .

 ?Q: Breast cancer can be inherited . True or false

A: True . If you have a (positive) a strong family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer , or even prostate cancer , and this information is relevant to your diagnosis . There is a strong family history in this case usually means that the parent , sibling , child , or parent has had relevant malignant . Information about other family members ( aunts and daughters , etc. ) is also important.

 ?Q: What is called abnormal cells that do not work like normal cells of the body

A: cancerous cells . Cells in the body divide normally (reproduction ) only when there is a need of new cells . If , however, the cells that grow out of control abnormal and do not work like normal cells of the body , it is called malignant ( cancerous ) .

 ?Q: What causes breast cancer

A: No one knows . We do not know what causes breast cancer , although we know that certain risk factors may put you at a higher risk for developing it. The person's age , genetic factors , history and personal health , and diet all contribute to breast cancer risk .

 ?Q : What is the most common form of breast cancer

A: invasive ductal carcinoma Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common form of breast cancer , accounting for 80% of cases of invasive . Begins with this type of cancer in the milk ducts of the breast . And then breaking through the wall of the channel and invades the fatty tissue of the breast .

 ?Q: What are the reasons that lead to breast cancer in women

A: Some factors causes that lead to breast cancer are: childbearing later in life , and after that was not children , and / or weight gain after menopause
Note : The presence of these reasons does not mean that a woman will get breast cancer . In fact , most women who have these symptoms did not Asabo breast cancer.

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