Sunday, December 15, 2013

The many benefits of pomegranate

5:23 PM
The many benefits of pomegranate

Benefits of pomegranate task and many Faramana one medium-sized provide about 40% of the normal amount of vitamin C. Needed by our bodies , pomegranate is considered an important source of antioxidants , such as polyphenols and folic acid . These antioxidants inhibit the process of the development of atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels , prevent the risk of high blood pressure. It improves blood circulation in patients with coronary artery disease , and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL).

Pomegranate reduces systolic blood pressure by inhibiting the enzyme conversion of serum angiotension. - Pomegranate also be used to increase sexual desire , it is fighting erectile disorders . - Recent research has shown , it can be effective against prostate cancer , colon and breast cancer . In fact it is effective against all types of cancer through antioxidant Alqoahalta contain. . The scientists

That the consumption of pomegranate juice may slow down significantly the growth of cancer cells. New studies have shown that patients who suffer from prostate cancer , the cancer cells have decreased their Zadeh and resistance to oxidation of fat . This is thanks to drink a glass of pomegranate juice daily .
Pomegranate comparable drug Viagra in the face of problems, sexual dysfunction , according to a study published by the University of California recently showed that pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants , which increases the amount of blood in the sexual organs , and attendance to eat pomegranate juice for a month at least gives results comparable to Viagra , and that drinking about a quarter of a liter of pomegranate juice a day increases the stability of the prostate cancer that is spreading and increasingly dangerous consistently with age.
It is also an anti- oxidant pomegranate where reduces the effect of harmful cholesterol in the arteries , and increases the activity of the enzyme is an antioxidant , it can also reduce the deposition on the walls of the arteries , which reduces blood pressure and arterial doubles the levels of antioxidants are beneficial for the health of blood vessels
According pomegranate also strengthen the heart and the expulsion of tapeworms , and help in the treatment of dysentery and treatment of nervous debility and mucositis benefit local drinking pomegranate juice with honey softly intestine and remove constipation and duct cleaning breathing and chest .
Pomegranate also eases the acidity of the stomach, where the benefits are not limited to the expulsion of the worms and only protect the heart , it is important that eliminate fruit acidity
So doctors advised the need to drink pomegranate , which helps to get rid of the acidity , which can be prepared in two ways

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