Exercises for agility help you avoid weight gain after marriage and pregnancy
After a few months of marriage, notes married fullness body with the emergence of the buttocks and the emergence of the rum en, and the problem is compounded with the first signs of neglect, to become a public complaint How do I get rid of and committed adultery after the marriage,
Then get depressed women who paid to search for radical solutions to the problem and fast, which causes depression and obesity, and the intervention of Eve in the vortex reflected negatively on her physical and mental health.
The search for the causes that increase the risk of obesity is forcing some women workers to leave work after marriage to devote to the affairs of the home and family life, and the attempt of them to spend on leisure time long resorted to watching television and eating for long hours in front of the programs and movies den do the movement necessary to burn fat, is only natural that increases the weight after returning the body to the movement and daily activity, and to overcome the Symantec emergency you can follow some exercise to get the body consistently and do not claim yourself to the specter of obesity.
Exercises after childbirth
If his wife tried to maintain weight, you need in pregnancy to diets balanced to protect their health and the health of her unborn child, but many pregnant women believe that women during pregnancy should eat up a lot of food, but everything should be on the stand only is eating a proper diet with follow the appropriate sport.
In the case of weight gain after birth, you follow the following exercise to restore the beauty of your body leaner and this simple exercise can help to slim the waist and abdominal area, and advised to do this exercise at least 3 times per week.
Lie on your back with your knees bend and is on the ground, and BAEIDI between your thighs a little.
Respiratory inside “inspiration” Tighten your tummy with the inside, Pull back to Earth with the lifting of the pelvis a bit and get out the air “Zephyr.”
Lie on your back and your knees apart and Ahaniha toward your chest, put your hands between your knees.
The chin tentacles to your chest, try to raise your head and shoulders off the ground, my forehead near the knees, Udi to the previous situation, then Repeat, start the exercise ten times, then try to increase with time even pray to 20 times when doing the exercise every time, put your arms between your knees.
Sit on the floor with your knees to bend the sides, put your feet Mtaaqbtan as in the picture, and put your hands over your head.
Amtsa your abdomen and pelvis to the inside on the ground
I bow to the front to pray to the fullest extent Tsttieinh toward the ground, breathing normally, and keep on this situation and AD to 20.
Note: Check with your doctor about exercise if you suffer from any health problems or in the case of Anita from any health problems.
Agility for permanent
If you are graceful and lithe body Taatmtaa you maintain your weight workout is strenuous two-step are as follows: -
1 - Lie on the floor Put your legs on the ball, knees bent 90 degrees, then raise your shoulders off the floor and your hands on the sides of my knees.
2 - Spread your legs with feet pulling comb at the same time completely unfold your arms back and Alekayama in the air and then on the shoulders Keep hanging in the air for 5 seconds.
3 - Repeat this exercise 3 times with a return to the standby mode, and if not available, you have a rubber ball you can replace a chair to perform the exercise.
False beliefs
In the end, experts warn of the common myths about the causes of weight gain, which have no basis except it only for the benefit of some products that are sold through satellite tells us by Dr. Jamal Al-Attar specialist nutrition and public health, in his book titled “A balanced diet is shorter . Ways to get rid of obesity, “
It is these beliefs:
● marriage leads to weight gain: talk is not a scientific relationship between marriage and obesity, but the only impact on a woman's body after the marriage, but the reason is the different distribution of fat on the body and not increase body fat.
● hot water: Obese think that drinking hot water on an empty stomach dissolves the fat accumulated in the body and this is a misconception because the hot water when it enters the body does not keep hot, but becomes the body temperature and blood circulation going in and out through the kidneys
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Paul's body, through the skin and sweat on the body, in the sense that drinking hot water does not lead to weight loss, but to drink water frequently very beneficial for blood circulation and to remove salts and filter the blood of impurities and harmful substances in the body.
● apple cider vinegar: vinegar, both of apples or sugar cane or grape has a very detrimental effect on the stomach wall and if it is taken on an empty stomach and without the addition of water, and the advice is not to drink apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach once and not before or after eating, But it can be placed on the power of the delicious taste.
● saunas: important for blood circulation, but have no effect on the melt body fat and do not lead to weight loss, because weight loss after the sauna that was caused by the amount of water lost from the skin cells, and after drinking the water weight back As it was, and the saunas are generally good for the heart and the activity of the body, but do not achieve the dream of agility.
● medicines: proliferated in recent years, many ads for drugs and creams to lose weight . And the fact that these drugs lead to loss of appetite to eat but do not lead to weight loss and the use of drugs without medical supervision is usually very serious.
● shorts and socks Medical: abounded publicity for shorts and socks worn leads to weight loss, but the fact that this propaganda does not benefit only the owners of companies declared only.
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