Sunday, February 23, 2014

Healthy nutrition

4:08 PM
Healthy nutrition

Plays a healthy diet plays an important role in assisting in the prevention of some serious diseases or control, and these diseases, heart attacks, strokes, and some cancers, diabetes, liver disease, for example, but not limited to. People need in order to live a healthy life to maintain their weight as close to the ideal weight. For this to happen it is necessary to know the ideal weight and the amount of calories a person needs to access it. Contains healthy eating a variety of foods from each food group :

• grain

• Vegetables

• Fruit

• oils

• Milk

• Proteins

This helps to ensure access to adequate amounts of carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, minerals and fiber. The food pyramid guideline published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is a good guide that can be followed in order to achieve a healthy balanced nutrition.

The healthy nutrition are important for protection against many serious diseases, such as :
Coronary artery disease
Obesity and complications resulting therefrom
High blood pressure and complications resulting
Diabetes and its complications
Some types of cancer

It is a disease that can be prevented and control health nutrition :
Liver disease, such as cirrhosis of the liver
Renal insufficiency
Infectious diseases related to the cleanliness of food intake

This tutorial will help you understand how to use your body for food and the quality of the food needed by the body until a functioning correctly. It also puts on the supervisor has questions regarding the habits of healthy nutrition.

Calories and weight
The body uses' energy continuously maintains the temperature so natural and performs bodily functions.

Energy is measured in calories or calorie, a unit of energy received by the body from the food we eat.

The number of calorimetry or calories needed by the body on the person's age and size. The big man needs to calories or more calories than the person small size, because the larger the body needs more energy from the body smaller.

Needs of people who exercise to calories or more calories than people who exercise.

It can also affect the health status of the metabolism or metabolism. For example, if a person who does not secrete the thyroid gland has sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone metabolism or metabolism is slower than it has with the other.

When people eat calories or more calories than they need are stored calorimetry or excess calories in the adipose tissue of the body and can cause this calorimetry calories or weight gain.

When a person deals with the amount of calorie or less calories than it needs, it burns fat stored in the body, that is, it loses some of its weight.

Even man lives a healthy life, to keep it as much as possible on the weight close to ideal weight.

To everyone knows ideal weight him to ask the doctor.

The person who increases the weight by 20 % over ideal weight is considered “ obese.” And even relieves weight that it deals with the amount of calorie or less of calories the body needs.

Food groups
Food is generally divided into the following categories.
Fat and cholesterol,
The protein,
And vitamins,
And fiber.

The food groups which include fat and cholesterol is one of the most famous groups in the food people. The fat is important because it helps to build the body, particularly the brain, brain contains relatively more fat than any other member of its content in the body almost.

The increase in cholesterol in the blood can lead to blockage of the arteries that feed the brain or the heart or any other member. And clogged arteries often leads to heart attacks and strokes.

The body can be manufactured each quantity needed of cholesterol ; so it is not necessary to address the human cholesterol in food.

The cholesterol is also present in animal products. It is also present in a very large quantity of egg yolk.

There are generally two types of fat :
Saturated fat
Unsaturated fats

The saturated fats are usually solid at room temperature which is found in animal products often. It is the fat that we see in steaks. These fats usually increase the level of blood cholesterol, and therefore unhealthy.

The unsaturated fats healthier than saturated fats. And unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and generally comes from vegetables. The olive oil from unsaturated fat.

Carbohydrates are sugars or foods “ taste of saccharine sweet.” Include :

The very important protein for the body. There is protein in :
Dry beans

The body can not produce vitamins and minerals, it must be for a person of ingested with the food we eat. Can become seriously ill if the body did not get a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Exposed women after menopause to osteoporosis or osteoporosis and weaknesses more than the man exposed to it at any stage of the life cycle.

No fiber mainly in non- animal products, such as vegetables and fruits.

The fiber helps to regulate or Alkhhaún bowel movement, may help protect against colon cancer.

Since the human body does not absorb fiber, they are not a source of calories or calories.

Healthy food
The healthy food is the food that provides the body with adequate nutrients. And the need for people of different calorie or calorie between one person and another. Here are five guidelines suitable for all people.

Should a person be keen on diversity in his food. As there is no one food group can provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. And healthy food always includes foods from different food groups.

Rights should be dealt amount by which the body needs food. When dealing with food more than it needs, the body stores the calorimetry or excess calories as fat. It should be determined on the human ideal weight, and level who wishes to access it from physical activity, and to endeavor to reach this weight and to keep it.

Should a person be dealt with a lot of grain, vegetables and fruit. It recommends specialists in nutrition eating plant foods because they contain a small amount of calorimetry or calories, and a large amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The quantity of fat in which a few, which do not contain cholesterol.

Rights should be dealt Gmaoua contain a small amount of fat and cholesterol, so as not to increase the amount of calorie or calorie derived from fat for 30 % of the total food intake.

Should a person be committed to moderation in eating certain foods and beverages, such as sweets and candies and salty foods.

The food pyramids
The food pyramid is a guide to healthy eating, which recommends eating a variety of foods, with the extension to the right amount of food from each food group.

The food pyramid displays six colors. Each color represents a food group. The bigger the area covered by your color range is more extensive food, whenever they need to that group the biggest food.

The orange color in the grain food pyramid. Are advised to eat a hundred grams rights at least of bread prepared from whole wheat or paddy, or grain or rice or bread or pastries. Are advised to ensure that human eaten minutes of whole grain, and that the word “ full “ exist after the word “ grain “ in the label that describes the components of food.

The green vegetables in the food pyramid. It is recommended human eating a large amount of vegetables, dark-green and orange. It also advised the human eating a large amount of dry beans. The human intake of a variety of vegetables provide him with various vitamins and nutrients.

The red color in the food pyramid fruit. It is recommended human eating a variety of fruits, and can choose fresh fruit or frozen or canned or dried, without eating a lot of fruit juice.

The yellow color in the food pyramid oils. It is the smallest category in the area of ​​the food pyramid. It is recommended that the man be what to eat most of the fat derived from fish, nuts and vegetable oils, and reduce the intake of solid fats such as butter and margarine and animal fats.

The blue color in the food pyramid yogurt or milk. It is recommended to eat human milk or low-fat milk or skim milk, if he can not digest milk or milk, it can choose lactose free products, or to choose to eat other sources of calcium.

The purple color in the food pyramid protein. It is recommended to eat human flesh birds or meat that is free of fat, or that the amount of fat in it is few, and can be dealt meat cooked or boiled or roasted. And the rights that are keen to diversify what foods to choose from deals with fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.

And measured the amount of food intake that human unity called “ ration “. According to the type of food, can be measured or cup serving size in grams or pill or slice the fruit or fruit.

The specific number of shares Ajtaj to someone from each food group in most cases the person's age, sex, length and level of physical activity.

It also depends determine the number of shares needed by someone from each food group on a number calorimetry or calories needed by that person every day.

The scores drawn on him food pyramid remember that human rights must be physically active, and that it be based physical activity for at least half an hour on most days of the week. The children and adolescents should be active for sixty minutes every day or most days.

Stickers that are placed on foods
Help plasters being placed on food products to know the components of the food we eat. The law imposes put these labels, which contain more accurate information than the information mentioned in the commercials.

By reading the label you know :
Number calorimetry or calories per share
Calorimetry or calories from fat
The number of grams of fat
The number of grams of sugars or carbohydrates
The number of grams of protein
The percentage of daily values
It represents the percentage of the daily ration provided by the amount by which the human body needs from each of the elements listed under the label of food per day.

When it becomes a health food habits of inherent rights throughout his life, a healthy diet will protect him from disease. In order to become part of a healthy diet for human life, he must take the right information, and the fact that he has the motivation that it is committed to healthy eating.

 ?I gave you some information this program. Are you in need of greater motivation to start eating healthy

The commitment to healthy eating is not difficult, there are a lot of healthy food choices and delicious.

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