The mother to take care of good food. Embryo is received nourishment from the mother through the umbilical cord so the good food is important to him, if the mother has a deficiency in any vitamin or basic food items, the child will be affected by this. Even if the mother is suffering from obesity or severe shortage in weight before pregnancy, it should set themselves a healthy diet with the help of her doctor her supervisor.
?How much energy you need the mother during pregnancy
Non-pregnant women need about 2,100 calories a day.
And pregnant mother needs approximately 2,500 calories a day.
As for the nursing mother needs approximately 3,000 calories a day.
?What kind of food should a pregnant woman to eat
A balanced diet is the one that contains all the nutrients the following:
Milk and dairy products.
Fat and carbohydrates.
- Approximately 10% of calories come from protein. The proteins found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products.
- About 35% of the calories come from fat. The fats found in butter, oil, milk products.
- About 55% of the calories come from carbohydrates. The carbohydrates found in bread, potatoes, rice, corn, pasta, and others.
?What are the vitamins and minerals needed during pregnancy
- Folic acid:
During the first three months of pregnancy mother needs folic acid, which is important to build upon the nervous system of the fetus, it helps to reduce the incidence of congenital defects of the nervous system.
And good natural sources of folic acid (fruits, vegetables and orange juice, rice, etc.).
Preferably to the mother to take 0.5 mg of folic acid daily, two months before conception and during pregnancy for three months.
If the mother gave birth to a baby suffering from congenital deformities of the nervous system, the dose of folic acid imposed be the largest of 5 mg daily., It should discuss it with her doctor.
- Iron:
And the mother during pregnancy, you need more than usual to make the blood provides food required for the placenta.
Good sources of iron found in vegetables (such as spinach), strawberries, liver, meat.
Iron is absorbed as easily have been taking it with vitamin c knowing that drinking coffee and tea reduces the body's absorption of iron.
Advises that all pregnant take iron daily from the 20th week of pregnancy. And taking the iron is not necessary if the mother is dealing with good food and the blood analysis shows the absence of anemia. Note (iron may cause constipation).
- zinc and calcium:
Zinc salts and calcium help the growth and development of the fetus and can be obtained sufficient quantities of food.
?What are the foods that should be avoided during pregnancy
Avoid taking vitamin A during pregnancy because it may cause damage to the fetus. And foods that contain large amounts of vitamin A are liver, the pregnant mother to deal with liver spaced at intervals.
?How can I avoid constipation
Constipation occurs during pregnancy because of hormonal changes that reduce bowel movement, may also occur due to iron intake. To avoid that the mother must deal with large amounts of foods containing fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and others. Also, drinking the equivalent of two liters to three liters of water every day will reduce the incidence of constipation and it makes waste much softer. Sports exercise also helps increase bowel movement practice of light walking for 20-30 minutes with two to three times a week is Sports help reduce constipation.
?How much weight that is required to be gained by the mother during pregnancy
Weight gain of about 10-12 kg is normal during pregnancy.
For practical reasons the pregnancy is divided into three periods:
The first period starting from the first to the second week of pregnancy ten normal to gain in this period of kilo to 2 kilos.
The second period starting from the second week ten to twenty-eighth week, the natural increase in weight in this period from 300 grams to 400 grams.
The third period starts from the eighth week twenty to forty week of pregnancy is normal in this period to increase the weight of one to three kilograms.
- Excessive increase in weight is not a healthy thing has brought problems for the mother during pregnancy and childbirth.
?Where this comes from the increase in weight during pregnancy
Total natural increase in weight during pregnancy is estimated at 11.2 kg.
Fetus weighs about 3.5 kilogram almost before birth.
Uterus increases the weight of up to 900 grams approx.
Placenta weighs approximately 650 grams.
Amniotic fluid (the fluid Caminos) weighs 800 grams approx.
Breasts grow and weigh up to 400 grams approx.
The increase in the blood and its components up to 1250 grams approx.
Fluid retention in the body tissues weighs 2000 grams approx.
The layer of fat beneath the skin weighs 1700 grams approx.
Important medical advice to pregnant women before and during the trip travel
Each holder you Mraahhzh important tips before and during your trip until the plane
But do not feel tired or Taatarda risk of stroke, blood, or any other symptoms:
- Avoid wearing tight clothing.
- Avoid alcohol and coffee and tea consumption in large quantities.
- Take care to drink large quantities of water and fruit juice before and during the flight.
- Avoid heavy meals before or during the trip.
- Make your food mild foods low in fat, sugar and salt.
- Move to conduct exercises for the feet and legs for five minutes every hour in order to stimulate blood circulation in the lower limbs.
- twelve feet to the top and bottom (such as moving the feet on the gas pedal while driving) and advised doing this exercise several times every hour or two.
- Click on the floor of the plane comb and heel man alternately for several minutes every hour or two.
- you'll not sit in a fixed position for several hours and diligence to move the lower limbs, and avoid put legs on top of each other.
- a national move the legs Ketbdel like (similar to the movement led by bike between now and then
Great tips provided a pregnant lady should follow these tips properly she will have a healthy child in future
ReplyDeleteAditya Birla Hospital