World Health Organization says all the bodies in the medical world that smoking is the biggest risk to the health of human faces today. Nevertheless, it can be a concerted effort to overcome the numerous problems . Smoking kills four million people each year. And the number is increasing due to population growth , especially in the Third World . The World Health Organization estimates that as many as 10 million people die annually by 2020 . By comparison, the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima two and Nagasaki at the end of World War II in 1945 killed 140 thousand direct and then died later due to a number of other deadly rays , and estimated the total number of victims of the atomic bombings quarter of a million people .
The risk of cigarette smoke on children
That cigarette smoke is one of the most dangerous substances that can be exposed to the child in his early years , as the inhaled can cause allergic respiratory and promoting asthma popularly if exposed patients bronchitis especially children to cigarette smoke , that leads to inflammation and congestion of the mucous membranes lining the bristles aerobic and people airway , the child was cured from these infections and allergies but unfortunately remain thoracic lieutenant him for long periods of his life .
The risk of smoking on the eyes
Professor Juan Ye from the Institute of Ophthalmology in Zhejiang University, China , conducted and colleagues analyzed several studies conducted in Africa, Asia , Australia, Europe and North America , to compare the prevalence of cataracts associated with old age in individuals who smoke cigarettes and when those who had never smoked .
Yi said in a statement: " Although it is possible to address cataracts surgically to restore sight , many people still complain of blindness because of him , because of the inadequate surgical services and high surgery expenses ."
He added that " to identify the factors that may cause suffering from cataracts help in taking preventive measures and reduce the financial burden caused by this disease." It is noteworthy that the disease cataracts is not contagious disease that affects the eye's lens loses its transparency and Viatmha , what causes weakness in sight without pain , and the patient complains of severe allergy to strong lighting with low vision at night.
The researchers found that each individual had previously smoked one day face a growing threat of injury disease, cataracts , and that percentage rises among more than currently smoked
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