Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hair Care

9:04 PM
Hair Care

Hair is the crown of women's beauty secret ; become so sad and sorrow when you see the white hair in the head with progress in age, believing that autumn has begun, and she lost her youth and attractiveness forever. However, proper hair care is the key to a woman's beauty in old age , they do not restore the hair freshness and elegance , but also allows women to styling the latest hairstyles .
Says hairdresser German Barbara Psokh , it starting from the age of 25 years may arise changes on the surface of the scalp , it can also increase shipments electrostatic hair to a large extent , lose hair its flexibility and its ability to sweep , and indicated Psokh , a member of the German Association for hairdressers in Magdeburg , that hair care in old age is different from taking care of him at a young age , it needs a hair , then special attention is the treatments for each of the scalp and hair , for its part, advised the hairdresser German Erika Valbraink women from the age of 40 years using the shampoo contains amino Alliboaminah and surface vehicles for sugar , as it is working to restore normalcy to the scalp , as well as reconfigure the class Alheidrodhenneh to the scalp, which is responsible for balance Flora ( Microbiology ) skin.
It also advises the use of Valbraink care products containing polyurethane Scared extracted from the guar bean , as it revives hair smoothness and its ability to sweep . Starting menopause advises Valbraink using preparations containing ester of lactic acid , as it works to calm places infected irritation , according to the hairdresser German Valbraink that a woman's hair in old age needs to humidity increasingly , so it recommends using calipers care or products Alaasebrai containing polymers care , as it is the effect of a moisturizer , as well as the ability to improve hair structure and repair the damaged places . And , of course, is developing hairline with white hair and keep the middle of the limbs in black look ugly .
To mitigate the impact of this ugly appearance offers hairdresser German Valbraink simple trick is to use a small tufts of light-colored hair . And the other as a possibility , advises Valbraink paint the hair , stressing that the hair dye in old age does not involve health risks . The Psokh says that « the biggest mistake is the old women at the hair dye is to choose the degree of color too dark ; because it highlights the lines of wrinkles Hair » .
And offers the following advice « If white hair already constitute a large proportion of the hair , it is women can add a touch beauty and attractiveness to her choice of dye with a degree of color blonde , taking into account to be thin and extinguisher » , with regard to Ptsrihat hair , explained Psokh that coots smooth long and somewhat give women advanced in age look more youthful , for his part , advised artistic director of the Central Union of German hair stylists in Cologne , Franz Joseph Covelr , applicants in a lifetime away from the hairstyle with ripples permanent , they bear the stamp Jaúzaa . And stresses the choice of hairstyle where hair descending in a more natural and softer .

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