Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tramadol and misuse problems

7:29 PM
Tramadol and misuse problems

Tramadol  factory has opiate-like properties and is used medically in the treatment of pain associated with medium or severe for many of the diseases of the nerves and bones and others. It works on the property, which change the way the brain receives by the sensation of pain is useful if it is used the way medical correct.

Spread misuse of  Tramadol are increasingly and rapidly in recent years and that the price of the cheap and easy to obtain. And ill-intended use in this case to be used in non-medical purposes or dose exceeds the prescribed dose to the patient.

Tramadol for a drug effect on the brain similar to the effect of drug Almorvian and has properties that make it easy addiction. People are more susceptible to abuse and addiction patients are prescribed the drug to them or where drug addicts are mixing tramadol with other types of drugs.

Tramadol is used by mouth in the form of pills or capsules but addicts sometimes resort to grind grain snorted or injected and mixed with liquids.

Side effects of the drug Tramadol:

Effects of organic:

Constipation, nausea and vomiting
Itching and inflammation in the body, the skin
Heart palpitation
Jerk Hands
Contraction and muscle contraction
Death as a result of drug intoxication
Psychological effects:

Depression and severe mood changes
Anxiety and insomnia
Tantrums and aggressive
Tramadol addiction

Misused Tramadol in large quantities and for long periods of time to go back myself and organic and then to addiction and result in a sudden stop taking the drug for a range of withdrawal symptoms similar to the symptoms of drug withdrawal for heroin and the most important:

Dilated pupils
Sweating cold
Pains in muscles and joints
Vomiting and nausea
High tension and insomnia
Audiovisual hallucinations
Panic attacks
Feeling strange sensations in the body Kalshaour tingling or overheating
Feeling tired and fatigue year
May continue withdrawal symptoms from days to weeks, and it depends on the severity of the addiction and may not be able addict stop using Tramadol on its own and needed in most cases to medical assistance and psychological, including access to clinics therapeutic specialized support to get rid of this property.

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