Method of hair straighteners are usually less popular than permanent straightening, which rely on chemicals, but to ease the many natural advantages, and will help the appearance of your hair look healthy and smooth. Here are four ways to soften the hair naturally.
Ways to soften the hair naturally
We felt the appearance and health stems from genetic factors and hormonal changes, and proper nutrition and exposure to different materials. There is no doubt that the natural hair slicked and seems more lively. Hair straighteners are, in many cases, through the use of chemicals, and they may be very harmful and dangerous in many cases. There are natural ways to help us get rid of the excess cost of chemicals hair relaxer. It is a method of hair straighteners through health articles nutrition, without the side effects.
Therefore, if natural methods, any hair relaxer medication through the family, and cheaper, so why not be the popular styles and trendy? Because the preparation of these materials takes a lot of time, and sometimes you have to wait a few months to see results. However, the results are very satisfying in the long run, because the hair becomes smooth, brighter and more beautiful than ever.
Methods of hair straighteners by natural materials:
Hair straighteners using coconut -
Take a cup of coconut milk and add a cup of lemon juice. Then mix well, and kept in the refrigerator until the mixture looks like a layer of cream to accumulate it. Put this cream on your hair and wait 10 minutes. Cover your hair with a hot towel. Then wash your hair as usual and Sarah. After washing the hair will feel it more brighter. With the passage of time, and after this iterative process several times, and your hair will become smooth. It is not advisable to use this method of dyed hair.
Hair straighteners through milk and honey -
Take a cup of milk and add a tablespoon of honey. Mix them together, then mixing in my watering can and sprinkle on all your hair or my milk on your hair. Wait about half an hour and then wash your hair, use a mild shampoo. Then, wipe dry your hair by hair dryer along with discharged. After this process, they will become softer and your hair shine.
The use of oils for hair straighteners -
Another way to soften the hair naturally by hot oils that will nourish your hair and make more moisture and keep it clean in the long run. Heat the olive oil or Zeta and other high-quality and Dlkih on your scalp. Cover your head with a towel for 10 minutes, then wash your hair, and you'll see how to become a soft texture and luster than that. This method is less suitable for women with curly hair.
Method of hair straighteners by whites -
We need to eggs, and add olive oil and mix well together. Sections of your hair into groups (tufts) are small, with a brush or comb. Each branch by dragging a comb and grease lotion, which resulted from the mixture on the hair stretched. Cover each strand of hair by paper silver for several hours. Then wash your hair by a mild shampoo. After it dries it will become smooth, without adding any chemicals
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