Sunday, February 2, 2014

Natural ways to get rid of kidney stones

8:07 AM
Natural ways to get rid of kidney stones

The Kidney stones are solid blocks of sediment composed within the college, and are often small in size at the very beginning , however, with the passage of time and the continuation of the circumstances that led to the asset -tion , be subject to increase in size.

There are several reasons for the emergence of kidney stones , but the common scenario is to be that pebble when the rising concentration of minerals and salts in liquid urine , which gives an opportunity to consist crystals of these minerals is usually dissolved in a liquid urine , and the adhesion of these crystals on each other , and the start of the nucleus Gallstones , which is soon to grow in size due to the continuation of the process of accumulation of adhesion mineral crystals .

There are natural ways to get rid of kidney stones Here are the most important:

- Leaf parsley : The parsley plants generating that prevent the pebble college, has proved the German authorities that the work of tea from parsley by a teaspoon of dry roots of the plant to a cup of water that has been boiled and drank two to three times a day ( two cups to 3 cups day) has a good effect .

To treat kidney stones parsley boiled in a pot such as coffee and then drink it , and you have to frequentative this process more than once, even disintegrate kidney stones may try this drug , which is very useful .

- Fenugreek : Bring about 200 grams (about 1 cup) of fenugreek seeds and Let boil in a jar containing 3 cups water filtered for 20 minutes and then a descriptive water from the seeds and drink 4 cups a day for two weeks , will change the smell of sweat have ( the foul ) but when you continue to drink the solution to avoid it about two tablespoons of my gum and condoms Ojodh Omani italics zero in the pitcher during the boiling water with the seeds , can be prepared in a large amount of the solution and save it in the refrigerator to extend the week .

- Shousha Cob Yellow : to break up kidney stones is also taken from the Shousha Cob amount of yellow palm and boil on the fire in a liter of water , drink from after it cools and filtered three cups a day for a week .

- Apple cider vinegar : Apple cider vinegar is taken from a teaspoon and dissolve in a glass of water and drink them twice a day for four days .

- Lemon juice : Lemon juice cleans the kidneys and removes gravel , and made ​​the era Thmrtin of lemon medium-bodied Bkhalthma with two glasses of water , and the patient is given the amount of two teaspoons of it daily after dinner for ten days , and studies have shown that regular consumption of lemon juice increases the pH content Alstreet and potassium the urine volume without increasing calcium content , as research has shown that this treatment is effective in preventing the return of kidney stones again , and does not cause any side effects even when infected problems and digestive disorders .

This is the most natural ways to get rid of kidney stones in addition to the need to drink at least two liters of water a day for people who suffer from kidney stones to avoid eating salty foods , spinach , soft drinks and coffee .

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