Monday, February 17, 2014

Vaccination for children and its importance

2:40 PM
Vaccination for children and its importance

Vaccinations protect against infectious diseases that can cause serious illness or death. Vaccinations are usually given by injection or orally. Vaccinations contain a wimp or dead from disease-causing germs to be fortified against which the body can control them and then build immunity (antibody formation).
These antibodies help the body to identify the bacteria and thus prevent the disease from occurring if a person is exposed to the infection in the future. Formation of antibodies against disease-causing germs called immunity.
* Are vaccinations safe?
In the vast majority of cases, vaccinations do not cause severe side effects. But some vaccinations may cause some pain and swelling in the simple injection site. Some children develop a slight fever and is likely to feel sleepy or become rude copyright. In fact, the incidence of serious childhood diseases, much more dangerous than the exposure of a child to view both sides of the result of vaccination.
* Vaccinations table:
= At birth vaccination tuberculosis (TB) and the first dose of the hepatitis C virus (b).
= The end of the first month: the second dose of the hepatitis C virus (b).
= The end of the second month: first dose triphosphate (cellular or cellular), paralysis and the first dose of hip-HIB.
= The end of the fourth month: a second dose triphosphate (cellular or cellular), paralysis and a second dose the flames.
= The end of the sixth month: a third dose triphosphate (cellular or cellular), paralysis and a third dose the flames.
= The end of the seventh month: iii dose of hepatitis B and measles vaccination.
= Ninth month: Achtbarasal repeats annually.
= The end of the first year: measles, mumps and rubella (Abu heel).
= One year and three months: a booster flames.
= Year and four months: chicken pox (Ankz).
= Year and a half: three-activated and paralysis, and repeats the bilateral paralysis every 5 years.
= Years and nine months: a booster Hepatitis (b), and then repeated every five years.
= So after two years:
· Fever forklift active every two years.
· Hepatitis (a) in three doses: the first month after six months.
· Albnimo 23 Pneumo especially for patients with middle ear infections, asthma and allergies.
= Two and a half: typhoid fever and is active every three years.
= Between 6 and 11 years: a booster measles, mumps and rubella (Abu heel).
· Whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, possible vaccination against these diseases using either the vaccine of each one separately, using either a vaccine for the three together. The current trend is to give the vaccination for the three combined, and the use of a vaccine unified contains antigens (her property alert the secretion of antibodies) for the three diseases, and such a DPT usually starts at the age of two and is given in three doses with an interval of two months between the one and the other and a year after the dose the last dose given stimulant. It is recommended to dose stimulant every four years.
· Influenza, given at the beginning of the autumn (September - September) and before the pilgrimage season every year, especially for allergy sufferers and chest.
· TB testing: conducted annually in the case of passivity is given or repeat vaccination tuberculosis.
· Bilateral paralysis: activates before entering school at the age of 6 years and then activates every five years.
· Hip: the number of doses vary depending on the age of the child, please consult your physician.
· Hepatitis A: transmitted through the mouth (food or contaminated water) and advised everyone, young and old receipt. HIV infection can be avoided by preventive vaccine antigens or immune globulin. Antigens provide immune protection of short-acting (3-5 months). As a preventive vaccine or vaccination provides a long-acting protection lasts for almost 4 years.
· Hepatitis C viral (b):
Vaccination is the best way against him. To prevent this evil virus, you should take . Other three doses (second dose is taken after taking the first dose and then a month after the third dose 6 months from the date of the first dose). This is recommended and vaccination for newborns, children and adolescents and workers in the health sector, it is possible to take the vaccinations at any age. Because adults who do not have immunity against the virus and who have sexual relations susceptible to infection and then by others, so the vaccination is very important to them, it protects the individual from the disease for 15 or perhaps 20 years or more.
This vaccine is given to non-HIV-infected and have no prior immunity, where the feasibility of grafting is this group of people, so the work of the laboratory tests are recommended for adults before taking the vaccination.
* Guidance to overcome the side effects of vaccines:
· Avoid feeding the baby a half-hour after giving polio. Often accompanied by a triple vaccination temperature rises up (39 degrees) for a day or two: Use antipyretic medication and fluid intake and Zaidi Eased clothing and Brady Room.
· May accompanies the bilateral, trilateral and Abannmo severe leg pain prevents a child from walking a day or two: Do ​​not worry, my cold pack on the subject of vaccination.
· Sometimes accompanies vaccination, measles, chicken pox rash small red transient on the body.
· Often accompanies vaccination topical pain for two days, use cold compresses.
· Tuberculosis vaccination followed almost a month after pus may continue for several weeks: Clean with sterile water and cover it with a bandage dry without any medication disinfectant. And will leave a lasting impact (scar).
· Vaccination may leave a small tumor topically for several weeks: Do not worry and then disappear.

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