Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Benefits Lemon had enough

4:46 AM
Benefits Lemon had enough

Knew lemon since ancient times and used in medicine, industry and called on the lemon tree queen of fruits, called the citric acid in medicine as the sour medical exist in lemon mineral salts and biomaterials such as calcium, iron, phosphorus , manganese , copper, and vitamins ( B 1 - B 2 - 3 - A - C - bb) which play an important role in the nervous system and balance nutrition and strengthen Aljhazalmnaaa the human body .

With the common cold and influenza , where fresh drinking juice relieves symptoms Similarly stop any activity other infection could show Kttorat influenza because of anti- bacterial properties and viruses.

Benefits of lemon and Therapeutics by

Lemon purified blood , helps the body to get rid of the poison .
Lemon fruit effective in the fight against diseases associated with infection.
Buy lemon helps to get rid of insects , it is a natural insecticide expels mosquitoes and flies
Drinking lemon juice is beneficial to heart patients because it is rich in potassium .
Likes a lot of people resort to sedatives natural pain in the case of minor wounds or small .
Lemon and a natural sedatives , which can be placed on wounds as well as it stops the bleeding.
Put lemon juice on a bee or wasp sting to ease the pain .
Drinking a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil helps to break up gallstones .
Lemon fruit has properties that cleanses the stomach of any infection .
Lemon strengthen the immune system of the human body .
Lemon strengthens the hair .. And dissolves fat .. And raises morale
Lemon known since ancient times to its impacts therapeutic and aesthetic , but also the psychological effects .. Once you smell that smell up the morale and gladdens the chest , and confirmed by experts therapy scents aromatic plants .. Not only the role of lemon just to make better morale , it serves as a tonic for the skin material and its feeding and its use leads to a contraction of pores wide .
Lemon is used to remove stains from the skin , which is rich in vitamin (C) .. The anti-wrinkle , and is used directly on the skin , and for softness and beauty prefers massage with olive oil and juice the lemon and leave the skin for a period of two or three hours , and the lemon is useful to dissolve dead cells of the skin , and gives super softness and makes it more glamorous and can be used for the treatment of warts and moles .
Must use lemon oil wisely and without extravagance on limited occasions , because it may cause burning of the skin , should not be used, then go out in the sun directly , it could lead to the appearance of spots on the skin .. Lemon treatment dissolves the fat in the buttocks and legs , Vllimon superb ability to form a line of defense last to protect the beauty of the nightmare of the accumulation of fat , Vallimon good treatment to rid the skin of toxins , it protects the skin and stimulates the kidneys to get rid of the entrapment of fluid in the body , and the accumulation of fat , so it can cleanse the body of inside ( to drink a cup of hot water with lemon juice ) .
The lemon is the best processor for hair .. Fasirh dissolves the fat and regulates apocrine glands of fat , which is the ideal material involved in the installation of the lubrication shampoo to treat hair, but experts advise to choose the shampoo that contains real lemon , and avoid shampoos that fragrant lemon only .
Therapeutics Lemon - Recipes for the treatment of certain diseases Lemon
1 - to treat nose bleeds ( epistaxis ) so dripping three drops of lemon in the nose
2 - to calm the nerves resulting from goiter and Flicker and cramping
3 - to treat rheumatism, so eating a lemon and one day when treatment is started and then increase the other day for another lemon lemon and so on until the tenth day of the tenth , and so
4 - to treat indigestion or fullness so that it is the era of 2 tablets a lemon in a cup and in addition to a small amount of water with sodium bicarbonate effervescence of what is happening in the cup are dealt with directly and , God willing, you'll see that screamed
5 - for the treatment of influenza taken to a local lemon honey three times a day and can add orange juice with him and in the case of high fever is the body and head massage with lemon
6 - for the treatment of kidney stones , bladder squeezes three beads of lemon peel on my eggs are left in the dish for at least 10 hours without coverage are taken on an empty stomach am
7 - to stop the bleeding of blood flowing from the wound so that the ground coffee is placed on the lemon juice to one and put it on the wound , it will stop the blood directly , but must endure the pain of acid
8 - for the treatment of pain and bleeding gums by lemon peel with a knife after Khth as much as possible to become soft and shows them to be placed anywhere on the bleeding it handles relaxant to stop the bleeding of the gums and , God willing,
9 - for the treatment of dental pain and fall is a cup of lemon juice with water sweetened with honey or candy and are rubbing the teeth and gums , lemon pulp rest
10 - for the treatment of dry skin to squeeze one lemon on the amount of suitable glycerin and massage the skin and chapped places this mixture until it is Acquistion of skin vitality and freshness , especially in winter

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