Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sports and benefits of walking

8:54 PM
Sports and benefits of walking

Depends average life expectancy for a person on the rate of damage to working parts in the body , and can regular exercise can slow down the damage and protect the whole body , especially the heart, lungs and arteries and bones , and are fitness assessment based on the sufficiency overall for the heart , lungs and muscles as measured by the quantity ( or volume ) of oxygen used by the human body in one minute of maximum stress for the body, and this amount up to a climax and called ( the maximum size of oxygen ) at about the age of twenty , but diminished as we age.
Regular physical exercise can improve physical fitness, and thus slow down the gradual erosion and slow down the aging somewhat .

Sports Walking

 In order to maintain fitness and body weight must be practiced sport for 30 minutes divided in two phases between slow and fast ; must be 10 minutes and then slow speeds in traffic for 20 minutes and not rush but normal walking . Some have the misconception is that the higher the speed the better , and to clarify the error say that the higher the heart rate , the focus in on the heart and blood but no blood is distributed to other parts of the body to increase the rate of fat burning .
The body reacts to the sport after 10 minutes and burn fat Almsheee be in slow motion. As for the difference between walking on a walk electricity if in slow motion , and the walk in the open air for some patients, she reported that normal walking in which the ratio of oxygen higher; because in the outdoors, as well as comfortable for the joints ; because the pressure on the joints be in normal walking less , but it is assumed that a man does not walk outdoors if the temperature is over 35 degrees, and reported that the water spray and water vapor, which is available in footpaths lowers the temperature and helps to walk

Sports Morning
The sport for 10 minutes in the morning draw at least 30 minutes of sport and evening of great benefit to the body and muscles , especially in the fat burning process .

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